Tuesday 22 October, 2024

French Navy takes delivery of second Suffren-Class attack submarine

The French Navy has welcomed its second Suffren-class attack submarine, the Duguay-Trouin, into its fleet. The submarine was officially delivered on 11 August, after completing a series of sea trials and tests.

The Duguay-Trouin is the second of six Suffren-class submarines that are being built by Naval Group as part of the Barracuda program, which aims to replace the ageing Rubis-class submarines. The first submarine, the Suffren, was delivered in November 2020 and has been operational since March 2021.

The Suffren-class submarines are nuclear-powered and stealthy, capable of performing a wide range of missions, such as anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, land attack, intelligence gathering, special operations, and deterrence.

They have a displacement of 5,300 tons, a length of 99 meters, and a speed of over 25 knots. They can carry up to 20 weapons, including cruise missiles, torpedoes, and mines. They can also deploy naval combat divers and underwater vehicles.

The Duguay-Trouin is named after Alain-René Le Sage de Duguay-Trouin, a famous French naval officer and privateer who lived in the 17th and 18th centuries. He is known for his exploits against the British and Portuguese navies, especially for his capture of Rio de Janeiro in 1711.

The Duguay-Trouin will be based in Toulon, along with the Suffren and the other four submarines that are expected to be delivered by 2030. The French Navy plans to have at least four Suffren-class submarines operational at any given time, to ensure its strategic autonomy and maritime security.

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