Saturday 27 July, 2024

Slovenia donates 34 M-80A IFVs to Ukraine

Slovenia has sent 35 M80A infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine reported on 21 June. The Yugoslav-made IFVs are reportedly already in the war-torn country.

In return for the donation, Slovenia will receive compensation to purchase equipment for the Slovenian army in agreement with the United States.

Slovenia, which has previously donated small arms, helmets, and other equipment to Ukraine, is now shifting its focus on offering other forms of assistance, such as demining efforts and post-war reconstruction in Ukraine.

Slovenian Defence Minister, Marjan Sarec said that Slovenia had extensive experience in post-war demining efforts after the end of the wars in the former Yugoslavia, in cooperation with the Slovenian-American foundation.

Sarec also said that, while the country’s arsenal of weapons and equipment has for the most part been depleted, Slovenia can offer Ukraine training, whether it be on Slovenia’s territory or in another NATO country.

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